Tuesday, June 5, 2007

First Post!

For my first post on my blog I figure I should explain my blog.

The title of the blog is a combination of the word opine and 'issimo' which I have always thought to be a Spanish superlative. At any rate when you add issimo to a word you grant the word an inherent coolness that I could not pass up, for example the bland word general becomes the so much better generalissimo. Now, some people may prosecute me for using a superlative in reference to my own opinion, but those people can just leave my blog ha ha!

There is really no definite purpose I wish to fulfill with this blog, I intend it as sort of a general public journal to be read by friends, family, and I suppose any other persons who happen upon it while browsing the Internets.

I hope to post stuff on here regularly but there is a definite chance I will forget about it and never post again, so while I have you here I thank you for visiting.